Hitler yesterday extended his ÒprotectionÓ to Slovakia. The Slovaks had declared their independence, in accordance with the German wishes, on Tuesday, but immediately afterwards German troops entered without consent. This led to Slovak protests. The only outcome of these protests is that German troops are extending the area occupied in Slovakia. The seizure of Slovakia enables the Germans to outflank Poland in a serious manner. On Wednesday night the German Ambassador in Warsaw returned from an urgent visit to Berlin with the Òdefinite assurancesÓ that the German military action in Slovakia would be limited to a small district. The Poles were said to be satisfied. Within a few hours the ÒassurancesÓ were worthless. This development has caused alarm to the Poles and bitter disillusionment to the Slovaks. BOHEMIA A CONCENTRATION CAMP As for Bohemia, it has, in the words of our Central European correspondent, become one great concentration camp. From Prague it is reported that the Gestapo, the German Secret police, Òhave 10,000 arrests to carry out.Ó The work has already begun, and the Jews and the political opponents of National Socialism have no way of escape. The future government of the ÒProtectorate of Bohemia and MoraviaÓ was outlined in a proclamation by Herr Hitler issued in Prague. The protectorate will have a head, but there will also be a Reich protector, representing Herr Hitler, and the real power will lie with him. The proclamation talks of the protectorateÕs having Òsovereign rights,Ó but Germany, in fact, can veto measures Òcalculated to damage the Reich,Ó and can issue any decrees Ònecessary for the common interest.Ó No protest to Berlin has been made by the British Government, and Mr. Chamberlain was Òunable to answer without noticeÓ a question in the House of Commons yesterday whether a protest would be made. There was, however, a report in the Lobbies last night that the Government Òmay decide to register formally its disapproval of the method and manner of the German march into Czecho-Slovakia.Ó The British Ambassador in Berlin may be called home to report on the recent events.